Quisiera salva el planeta de tantos vertidos y de tanto mal uso que le estamos dando a nuestros suelos ríos y mares, si con mis canciones pudiera ayudar a entender, cantaría sin parar, es triste muy triste ver como no entendemos los seres humanos que vamos al deterioro y la destrucción con tantos malos humos y tantos vertidos, gracias.

I wanted to save the planet from so many waste and misuse that we are giving to our earth, rivers and seas, if with my songs I could help to understand, I ´ll sing without stopping until death, it is very sad to see how we do not understand we are going to deterioration and destruction with so many bad smoke and so many wasted fullness, thanks.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Kalahari Lady Hagua


Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari

Kalahari Desert
I love you my friend
Your people live quiet
In freedom in peace

They wear color earth
Living in harmony
With mountains and trees
You are what I need
Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari
Your color,  make me happy
I want to stay with you
Living forever free
Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari

You are home of animal
And migratory birds
The ecosystems need you
So please stay with as

Leopards and cheetahs
Can still be found
Oh Kalahari I love you
Great and old desert

Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari
Your color, make me happy
I want to stay with you
Living forever free
Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari

Waterless since longtime
Sixty million years ago
The ecosystems of the planet
Need you thanks great land

Your variety of flora
With so many color trees
Acacias and jelly melon

And water under our feet
Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari
Your color, make me happy
I want to stay with you
Living forever free
Kalahari Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari Kalahari
Kalahari Kalahari Kalahari

Songwriter Lady Hagua
M. Carmen Diez Colorado

El desierto de Kalahari es una maravilla, a sus gente les deseo mucha paz y libertad por siempre, gracias Kalahari Desert por llenar mi alma de paz.



We remember that night
That hard night
Many people died
Ran hard rock and jazz
Trembling guitar
Love and songs
I love you Paris

Bataclan Bataclan
Bataclan Bataclan
Bataclan Bataclan

Sorry for that night
Love and roses
For all of you
From the deep of me
We will go again
To heard music
We love art

Bataclan Bataclan
Bataclan Bataclan
Bataclan Bataclan

We need to go on
In our life
So we´ll  heard music again
Music clean our mains
Music is love

Bataclan Bataclan
Bataclan Bataclan
Bataclan Bataclan

Songwriter Lady Hagua
MC Diez  Colorado